Author Archives: Miss Davitt


We learned about different types of rocks and found lots of different examples on the school grounds.

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3rd class school tour

3rd class had a fantastic day in Leisure Max for our school tour!

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Designing and making tents

3rd class in Room 31 created designs for a tent for a lego figure and then used various materials to make their tents. A very creative afternoon!

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Science – Forces

This week in 3rd class we designed and made catapults!

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Making lighthouses

This gallery contains 21 photos.

Today in 3rd class we planned out, designed, and made lighthouses using what we learned about electrical circuits.

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Electrical circuits

This gallery contains 7 photos.

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Science Week

3rd class made parachutes, tin foil towers, papercopters and vinegar and baking soda explosions during Science Week

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Coding with Probots

3rd class used probots to draw 2-D shapes this week.

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Maths week

Regular and irregular 2-D shapes in 3rd class

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3rd class school tour to Leisure Max!

This gallery contains 30 photos.

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Science week 2021

Third class really enjoyed science week and took part in different activities and investigations. We built tin foil towers, came up with new uses for paper clips, made paper helicopters, measured shadows throughout the day on our sundials, and investigated more »

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3rd class Inca headdresses

3rd class loved learning all about the Incas and created their own Inca inspired headdresses.

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Absorbency investigation

1st class investigated which materials would best mop up water this week in science

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The boys and girls in 1st class enjoyed creating butterflies in art this week

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Nature walks in 1st class

First class in room 31 collected examples of natural features in the environment on a nature walk this week.

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Static electricity investigating

1st class had great fun creating static electricity with balloons last week.

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Bee bots

First class really enjoyed using bee bots this week. They hope to get some more practice with them soon.

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Creating with clay in 1st class

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Happy Halloween from 1st class!

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Maths week 2020

First class enjoyed finding 2D shapes in the playground this week

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