May the Month of Our Lady


We have been marking the Month of our Lady with a decade of the Rosary at Assembly each Friday and also with a beautiful art display in our school Lobby. There is a May Altar also set up dedicated to Mary.

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U-12 Girls GAA Winners Community Games


Well done to the girls in 2nd-5th classes who were part of the winning u-12 GAA Team for Graiguecullen in the Community Games over the weekend. They now go on to the next round and we are very proud of their amazing achievement in the school.

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Girls Soccer Carlow Champions

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A huge congratulations to our Girls Soccer Team who won the Carlow Championship on Tuesday last week and now go on to play in the South Leinster competition. The girls played outstanding and came out on top in a very competitive group. Well done also to our boys team who narrowly missed out on a place in the next round but also had excellent performances.

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Students of the Week

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Well done to our brilliant Students of the Week over the past two Weeks! Maith sibh!

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Carlow Library Class Visits

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All classs are visiting the Carlow library between now and the end of May to build the relationship between the school and our local library and to connect children and parents with this fantastic resource to enhance literacy. We hope that all children enjoy the visits and a special thanks to the wonderful librarians and staff for giving the children a great orientation of the library.

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All Ireland Table Quiz Success in RDS

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Well done to our Junior Team of Cian, Elohor, Elena and Fei An who came 4th in the All Ireland Junior Table Quiz competition in the RDS on Sunday. They were incredible and were only one point behind Joint 2nd position. We are incredibly proud of their achievement and a massive thanks to Ms Hennessy for all her work with the team. Also a huge thanks to Ms O’Brien for her help with the children as well. It was a fantastic experience and day out!

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School Garden

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Spring has sprung in St Fiacc’s and Mr O’Flaherty’s 6th class have been sowing lots of vegetables along with Parents Association Chairman, Mr James Shannon. We’re looking forward to harvesting our veg in the coming months!

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Students of the Week 22/03


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Students of the Week /Be on Time Winners

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Well done to our Be on Time Winners and our Students of the Week!

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Lá Glas!

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Bhí lá Glas iontach againn ar an Aoine seo caite. Bhí an ceol agus na rinceoirí ar feabhas ar fad. Well done to all the teachers and students for their great work and for making it a really brilliant day. A special thanks to the Dargan Dancers who were very generous with their time to come in and perform. The Céili Mór after little break was great fun and we all had a great time- Maith sibh go leor!

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Student of the Week 07/03

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Well done to all our amazing Students of the Week last week!

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All Ireland Darts Champion


Well  done to Jamie French in 6th Class who won yet another big championship in Darts over  the weekend. Jamie won an All-Ireland in the Under 18 category so he surely has a great chance to win more silverware in the future considering he has 6 more years underage! We are all very proud of your talent and achievement Jamie- Maith thú!

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Seachtain na Gaeilge Tráth na gCeist


Bhí ceithre foireann againn inniu i Tráth na gCeist san CLG Éire Óg. Bhí an spóirt againn agus bhí na paistí go leír ar feabhas. Go raibh míle maith agaibh Emma, Breda agus gach duine a eagrú an Tráth na gCeist i Glór Ceatharlach !

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Peace Proms

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What a fantastic experience had by all our choir as they took part in the Peace Proms in Waterford on Saturday. Ms Kavanagh and Ms Davitt have done so much work with the choir this year and they are going from strength to strength. We really appreciate both teachers taking time out of their weekend to bring the children but as always everybody was so well behaved and had a fantastic experience! Maith sibh go léir!

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Cumann na mBunscol Laois Champions

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Another great performance from a St Fiacc’s Quiz Team on Wednesday night in Holy Family N.S Portlaoise as we won the Table Quiz. It was a great achievement considering there were 50 teams entered. Well done to David, Sean, Cian and Ruairi who were outstanding on the night. Its our fourth table Quiz championship to win this year with a new team this time which is fantastic work and credit to Ms Hennessy for her trojan work with the Quiz Teams.

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Soccer Trials


Well done to all the girls and boys of St Fiacc’s who participated in the 5 a side soccer Blitzes over the past three Thursday afternoons. It was great fun and games were played in a really sporting spirit. Thanks again to St Pats for the use of their All Weather pitch!

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Credit Union Regional Chapter Winners


The Newpark hotel in Kilkenny was the venue for the Chapter or Regional round of the Creidt Union Quiz. Our Junior Team performed really well on the night and won the Quiz outright with a very impressive score of 41, just one ahead of Rathoe N.S. Both St Fiacc’s and Rathoe will now go on to the RDS on April 7th for the All Irelands. We are incredibly proud of Cian, Elena, Elohor and FeiYang for their amazing achievement. It has been 25 years since we made it to the All Irelands and many thanks to Ms Hennessy for all her leadership of the Table Quiz Teams!

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Confirmation 2024


On Saturday our sixth class students made their Confirmation in St Clare’s church with Bishop Denis Nulty and Fr Dunphy. It was such a special service and we hope everyone had a lovely day afterwards with their families. A massive thanks to our Sixth class teachers of Ms Minnock, Mr O’Flaherty and Mr Keogh for all their work to have the children so well prepared. Also a huge thanks to Cathríona, Fr Dunphy, Suzanne and all the parish team who made it such a special service and for all their hard work throughout the year to work with our young people of the parish.

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Students of the Week 1st March


Well done to all our Students of the Week last week. Maith sibh!

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St Abban’s Table Quiz Winners

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There was great excitment last Wednesday night in St Abban’s Athletic club for the finals of the Table Quiz night which is among lots of local schools. We had four teams competing which was excellent and they all did really well on the night. Our team of Nina, Rían, Tyler and Szymon won the overall competition and they received lovely trophies for their fantastic achievement. It was a great night and we would like to thank St Abban’s for a really fun quiz experience.

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